Terms of Use.

These terms and conditions (henceforth, "Terms of Use") regulate the access and use of the application "Portuguese Newspapers" (henceforth, "Portuguese Newspapers"), unique and exclusive property of MUNBEN S.A., as well as the contents and services that the owner makes available to its users (henceforth, "Users"). Also, these Terms of Use regulate the operation and use of Portuguese Newspapers.
MUNBEN S.A. is a company whose registered office is located in Viamonte street 1167, second floor, back side of the building, Buenos Aires, Argentina, and registered before the General Inspection of Justice under number 10.782 of book 84 of Sociedades por Acciones. The contact email is: info@munben.com.

First: Acceptance.

Access to Portuguese Newspapers or its use by the User necessarily implies, without reservations, the knowledge and acceptance of these Terms of Use, therefore, it is recommended that the User reads them carefully.
The indication of acceptance of this Terms of Use, implies the reading and understanding of these Terms of Use.

Second: Intellectual property.

MUNBEN S.A. it is the only and exclusive owner of the design, implementation and content of the interface and its functions, including its graphic design and source code of Portuguese Newspapers; which are protected by copyright and other rights provided for in the various legal systems of the world, and, in particular, by the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property of March 20th , 1883, revised in Brussels on December 14th 1900 in Washington on June 2nd, 1911, in Hague on November 6th, 1925, in London on June 2nd, 1934 and in Lisbon on October 31st, 1958 (Lisbon Act), and concordant to each region or country in which it is used.
These rights belong exclusively to MUNBEN S.A. or its licensors, therefore, any act of reproduction, distribution, change or public communication, as well as any type of allotment, of all or part of the content of Portuguese Newspapers, the tools by this included, its sections or any other aesthetic or computer content existing in it, and in general any act of exploitation of all or part of the contents (images, texts, design, indexes, forms, etc.) as well as the bases of data and of the necessary software for the visualization or the operation of the same and of any object that according to the effective legislation is protectable by the norms of intellectual property.
Users may not in any case exploit or serve commercially, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, any of these contents. The authorization for the use of any content of the website can be requested to the email address: info@munben.com. What is established in the previous paragraphs will not imply in any case the assumption of liability by MUNBEN S.A. on the content, nor may it generate the right to compensation for Users or third parties.
The brands, trade names, store signs, denominations, logos, slogans or any type of distinctive sign shown in Portuguese Newspapers may not be used.
MUNBEN S.A. expressly reserves the right to define the civil actions, under the national and foreign legislation may correspond as a consequence of the violation of the industrial and intellectual property rights that correspond to it.
However, MUNBEN S.A. declares that the edition, redaction, content, opinions, analysis, like any other element exhibited in the media, which can be accessed through Portuguese Newspapers, do not belong to its intellectual property, which correspond only to the companies or persons holding the respective rights involved.
Also, MUNBEN S.A. states that the isologos that appear in Portuguese Newspapers do not correspond to its authorship, nor to its intellectual property. Its exhibition is carried out to the mere aesthetic and identifying effect, without implying or accruing economic benefit or concrete use of the exercise of the intellectual property.

Third: Accountability, content and eventual responsibility involved.

MUNBEN S.A. is not responsible, in any way, for the graphic or written content present in the media displayed, since its authorship does not belong to MUNBEN S.A., as indicated in the preceding paragraph.
The totality of the covers and digital content of the media that can be accessed by the User, respond to information already accessible in a free and independent manner by the general public. In this way, the exhibition that can be obtained through Portuguese Newspapers is arranged to the mere diffusive and distributive effect of the information.

Fourth: Conditions of Use. Data storage.

Registration or filling in of previous forms is not required by Users wishing to use Portuguese Newspapers.
MUNBEN S.A. does not personally and directly collect personal data, whether sensitive or not, from Users who may access the use of Portuguese Newspapers; notwithstanding the data that could be collected through the autonomous and independent functions of the will and control of MUNBEN S.A., and as a purely technical development, by the Google Analytics® system, or those that were stored by third parties intermePortuguese Newspapers as they are -without such enumeration implies limitation- App Store®, Google Play®, Facebook®, Twitter®, RSS, among others.
MUNBEN S.A. does not collect personal data, whether sensitive or not, from its users for the purpose of making future transfers, whether onerous or free.

Fifth: Technological limitations.

We inform the User that, as a consequence of carrying out maintenance work, in certain cases there may be temporary interruptions in the services provided by Portuguese Newspapers. < br /> We also inform the User that there is a wide variety of factors that may affect Portuguese Newspapers, the technological tools that operate within the application, and/or its quality, such as, but not limited to: environmental conditions, network saturation, connectivity, third-party software, etc. Through the following email address, you can contact us to transfer errors that you detect, as well as comments and suggestions: info@munben.com.

Sixth: Prohibited uses.

The User may only use Portuguese Newspapers and the existing technological tools in such application for purposes consistent with the scope established in the present Conditions of Use.
The User will refrain from using the application to perform any illegal activity. In particular, and without limitation:
- Harassing or disturbing third parties and/or violating their privacy;
- Impersonating other Users or third parties;
- Including information, comments , images or contents that may be considered defamatory, racist, sexist, discriminatory, pornographic, violent, or that in any way contradict public order or are clearly illicit;
- Undermine the reputation, image and honor of other Users or third parties;
- Transmit unsolicited or used advertising;
- Perform fraudulent acts;
- Introduce or disseminate data programs on the network (viruses and harmful software) capable of causing damage to the computer systems of the access provider or third-party users;
- Any other action prohibited and/or declared unlawful by our legal system.
The User will not carry out any activity that may cause damage or prejudice to any third party, as well as MUNBEN S.A., its operation and/or development.
In the event that a User is aware that a third party is carrying out any of the aforementioned conducts, or of any other that in his/her opinion may be contrary to the laws in force in the country, he/she is encouraged to do so. Notify through the following email address info@munben.com, in order that we adopt the appropriate measures.

Seventh: Disclaimer.

MUNBEN S.A. disclaims all liability related to:
- The operation of Portuguese Newspapers and the available digital tools, because of force majeure, or any others not related to the will of MUNBEN S.A., which is not fully operational, or lacks eventually the minimum functionality to manage the relevant service.
- The possible errors or security deficiencies that may occur due to the use by Users of an operating system that corresponds to a non-updated or insecure version.
- For the damages, direct or indirect, that could be caused by the information whose access allows Portuguese Newspapers through its software, which, as indicated previously, is totally alien to it.
- The contents to which Portuguese Newspapers allows access, since it can not provide any guarantees or security, expressly or tacitly, implicitly or explicitly, with respect to the accuracy, veracity or integrity of the information offered or referenced in it. MUNBEN S.A. is not responsible for the consequences derived from the actions or claims that third parties execute referring or invoking, either directly or indirectly, the information alluded to in Portuguese Newspapers. In any case, MUNBEN S.A. applies the biggest efforts, both technical and human, to keep updated and complete the repertoire of information to which access allows.
- The damages, including but not limited to: damages, losses or direct or indirect, inherent or consequential expenses arising in connection with this Service or its use or impossibility of use by any of the parties, or in connection with any failure in performance, error, omission, interruption, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer viruses or system or line failures.
The User will be liable for damages of any kind for unlawful or fraudulent acts, as well as those damages that MUNBEN S.A. or its Users may suffer as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the User's breach of these Terms of Use , reserving to MUNBEN S.A. those actions to which it will be entitled before the pertinent judicial or police authorities.
Although best efforts are carried out, MUNBEN S.A. can not guarantee Users the continuous and uninterrupted access and use of Portuguese Newspapers and the services provided.

Eighth: Links to third parties.

MUNBEN S.A. does not assume any responsibility derived from the links that allow, through Portuguese Newspapers, the User's access to services and services offered by third parties, as long as they are alien to Portuguese Newspapers. Therefore, MUNBEN S.A. is not responsible for the information contained therein or for any effects that may arise from such information.
If any User or third party observes that such links may be contrary to law, morality or public order, the User must inform MUNBEN S.A. through the email: info@munben.com.

Ninth: Accessibility.

MUNBEN S.A., through Portuguese Newspapers, does not monopolize, restrict or in any way limit access to the information that media provide independently. The computer design with which Portuguese Newspapers not only does not hinder, but it also allows direct access from the User to the information providedad by these media. In this way, and to access such prerogative, the User may make use of the option through configuration, enabling the function "Open in external browser".
Likewise, the order in which the media is displayed in the interface present in Portuguese Newspapers does not respond to a specific order of preference, agreement, political affinity or any other reason other than merely random.

Tenth: Modifications.

We will notify the User of the changes in the Terms of Use of Portuguese Newspapers before these occur. If the User is not satisfied with the changes, he must stop using Portuguese Newspapers, as well as the services offered through it.
It will be considered that the previous notification has operated when the Terms of Use already appear as modified through the applications that allow its download or update, or through messages, of the type pop up, that could be shown at the time of the access to the application of the property of MUNBEN S.A.
The use of Portuguese Newspapers after the notification of the changes will suppose the acceptance of the same ones by the User.

Eleventh: Jurisdiction and applicable law.

The operation and use of Portuguese Newspapers, as well as these Conditions of Use are governed by the applicable legislation. To the extent permitted by law, MUNBEN S.A. and anyone who intends to file any claim with respect to Portuguese Newspapers, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may apply, will be subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals that are competent in the Argentine Republic.